Partnering with you, all the way.


Inclusive Leadership Solutions

PrismWork conducts modern leadership labs to facilitate change in senior and next generation leadership. These labs have been delivered to thousands of participants across numerous small, medium and enterprise level clients.

All of PrismWork’s leadership labs were founded on the core principles of inclusive leadership. We call it HEARTI™ (Humility, Empathy, Accountability, Resiliency, Transparency and Inclusivity). PrismWork launched the HEARTI™ Leader Quotient, an online leadership assessment that measures an individual’s leadership competencies required to create inclusive cultures. Based on scientific research examining the competencies that promote inclusive cultures, each of these attributes individually create more inclusive workplaces and when combined create lasting systemic change.

From workshops, to team trainings, to 1:1 coaching, we provide your talent with the 21st Century Leadership™ skills they need to help your company thrive.

Sample Labs:

  • Revolutionary Leaders: Rules for the Road in New World of Work

  • Inclusive Leadership Lab: Intentional Power

  • Women on the Rise: The Leadership of You

  • Awakened at Work: The Art and Science of Building Effective Workplace Relationships


Leadership Labs and Keynotes

Our Culture360° is designed to assess a company's culture through the lens of our proprietary framework called GLEEM: Governance, Leadership, Employee Experience, and Market. Upon completion, PrismWork delivers a detailed Inclusive Culture Roadmap that outlines specific goals and actions across the entire employee life cycle and helps prioritize areas of focus to have the greatest impact. The goal? To lay the foundation for highly productive, highly profitable, inclusive cultures. 

Click here to learn more about this offering.

Built on our proprietary GLEEM model, we evaluate your company’s internal programs, policies, and practices alongside your internal and external brand image across multiple platforms to determine your 21st century readiness.

The Prism Playbook™ :

  • Assesses your company culture using our Prism Alignment Quotient™ 

  • Evaluates your internal and external marketing

  • Delivers a playbook that aligns the engagement experience of all stakeholders.

With those insights, we provide workplace strategy solutions so clients have the playbook they need to be a next-in-class, 21st century company.


Executive Coaching

PrismWork’s impact research studies are designed to probe issues affecting inclusive leadership that might not otherwise be talked about. The insights gleaned from these studies inform our leadership solutions and consulting engagements. 

In 2021, PrismWork partnered with nFormation and the Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative to explore the experiences of Women in Color in the workplace. The resulting PowHER Redefined study reached tens of thousands of women and business leaders bringing new insights for change. 

For 2022, PrismWork has launched a landmark study with the support of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation to understand what men need to become inclusive leaders in today’s workplace. Explore. If you would like early access to this leading-edge report, click here.

We believe that by conducting breakthrough research first, we can shine a light on subtle or overlooked issues that are critical to creating and maintaining thriving inclusive cultures. The focus of our research are problems that may be controversial, might not be talked about, and therefore lack obvious solutions because they are not well understood.

We’re talking about a fundamental new way of providing service to our clients. It’s about a 360°  - internal and external - alignment of purpose that delivers a through-thread of business practices to benefit all stakeholders.

“It is more critical than ever that businesses in the 21st century are focused on generating long-term value for all stakeholders and addressing the challenges we face, which will result in shared prosperity and sustainability for both business and society.” 


— Darren Walker, President, Ford Foundation, Business Roundtable Statement of Purpose 2019